It was 2 weeks ago today that we were called with the news of 2 sets of twins and the question of whether we'd be interested in twins or not. We've had two conversations with Erin (our coordinator in Texas at our int'l agency), but the only news we've learned is that both sets of twins are healthy, but anemic. Not a huge concern. The orphanage is working on their paperwork to get both sets officially available and then we'll get more info and possibly an official referral. One of the 4 kids (we don't know if it's one of the boys or girls) had an issue with their birth certificate so it might be taking a little longer for their Haiti paperwork because of that. That's it; that's all we know. We just keep waiting on God's timing, which will be perfect!
On a different note: if you have even the slightest inkling/tugging/questioning about adoption, then I'd encourage you to check out former Indianapolis Colts head coach Tony Dungy's adoption video available for free download! (below) (also, anytime, please ask us ANY questions you might have about our process, we'd love to share and spread the word about adoption!)
Until we know more,
For anyone interested in watching something other than Madonna during the Superbowl half-time show on Sunday, there is a free downloadable 3 minute video about adoption awareness hosted by Tony Dungy. You can also download a free conversation guide for party hosts. Right on!

Super Bowl Winning Coach Tony Dungy Featured In Free Halftime Video Kit for Game Watching Parties -.
This year’s football fans gathering at various watch parties will have access to one Super Bowl coach’s personal thoughts during halftime. A free downloadable video kit is available to local game watching party organizers which features Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy and his wife Lauren.
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