Tuesday, January 30, 2018

2017 Family Christmas Letter

As Rebecca is preparing to write a new, long overdue blog-post, we realized that we failed to post our 2016 and 2017 family Christmas letters.  Here is 2017 as quick little "preview" of our life since our last post, until Rebecca can get a new post fully written.

2017. Hmmm, 2017? Everybody is a year older.  End of Christmas letter.
Much Love, Craig, Rebecca, Aftyn, Haley, Aiden, Elijah and Judah DeWit

Ok, well, Rebecca says I should write ‘something.’  Here’s a few tidbits for you…
Aftyn (15) is a sophomore at Washington High School and is driving! She played softball with the same team, the Gators, for the 10th year in a row! Once again this year they took home the league championship! (Three-peat!) She also played JV softball for WHS in the fall. (THEY did NOT win any championships. J). She enjoys being academic (like her mom) and is active with volunteering. To make some spending money, she babysits and teaches piano lessons from our home. Last spring she went with the WHS Band to California and this summer Aftyn came with Rebecca and me to Haiti on our church’s mission trip. She loved it; and we loved seeing her love it! This fall we started a new hobby together... looking at colleges. She has started receiving letters from schools and this spring we’ll start going on campus visits.  L
Haley (13) is rocking 8th grade and looking forward to joining Aftyn in high school next year.  She is excited to start driving this summer (Yikes!). Instead of playing sports, Haley loves spending time in the kitchen with Rebecca or hanging out with friends. We’re lucky if we get to see little miss social butterfly on weekends. (Only a small exaggeration) She, too, babysits and really enjoys spending time with kids. This summer Haley attended two church camps where she was able to practice her social skills. Needless to say, they were both highlights of her year. She and Rebecca are also currently working on helping redecorate our church’s youth room, which is a fun project for them to do together since Haley loves redecorating and all things HGTV.

Aiden (11) played Michael in Eugene Field Elementary’s musical, Peter Pan, last spring.  It was so good and so fun to watch him have a lead role. When the girls were in musicals at E.F. they never wanted a lead role (which was fine), but theater is how Rebecca and I met (25 years ago), so it was fun to see his interest in theater.  This fall Aiden started middle school and is at Whittier with Haley. It’s been an interesting transition getting used to being bussed, the larger school, having a locker, and going from classroom to classroom. Aiden’s happy place is in front of the computer, or a smaller piece of technology staring incessantly at other people playing games. I know other parents would agree with me; why not play the games yourself instead of watching other playing???? Or better yet, GO OUTSIDE. When I am at home and turn the WiFi off, he does enjoy building creations with Legos, riding his bike or scooter and doing boy stuff in the neighborhood with the other neighbor kids whose parents turned off their WiFi too. This summer he went to his first church camp and had a great time. During the fall he played FCA Flag Football and really enjoyed that too.

Elijah (6) is in Kindergarten and loves learning. We have the twins open-enrolled at Eugene Field Elementary where “the bigs” went, as well as where my brother and I went. Eli fills our house with sassy spice and also considerate compliments. From minute to minute you never know what’s going to come out of his mouth, sweetness or sass.
Judah (6) is... Judah. More often than not he is so sweet and loves cuddling.  On the other hand, when he’s not being sweet, look out. This boy can tantrum. All-day, every day, kindergarten takes its toll on 6-year olds who are used to taking afternoon naps. Lucky for his teacher, Miss Pederson (who was also my kindergarten teacher, Aftyn, Haley and Aiden’s kindergarten teacher too), he saves this behavior for us at home. Both of the boys love playing outside with the neighbor kids and also going across the street to ask for popsicles.
Craig (Forty-something) went Mt Biking in a new state this summer, Wisconsin. It was amazing, and without injury! I look forward to heading back over there next summer.  I’m in my 5th year of trying (and failing) to grow wildflowers in our backyard. Someday they’re going to be amazing!  Once again this past summer, Rebecca and I led a team from our church to Mission-Haiti, and more specifically up on a mountain in a village called Toussaint, where we continue to fall more and more in love with the Haitians. Coming up in February of ’18 we get to witness one of the blessings stemming from God’s work through us on our August trip. In August we were honored to lead a two night couple’s retreat where we talked about God’s design for marriage. Now, coming up the first week of February we get to help organize and witness a wedding for 8 of the couples that were at our retreat and now desire to get married. God is so good!
Rebecca (Forty-something +3 months) continues to work just shy of full-time, while also running kids every-which-way and running the house beautifully. Not saying she doesn’t get stressed out at times, but it is amazing how great of a job she does at all of it! Honestly, the other six of us in the house don’t even know half of how blessed we are.  When Rebecca does make down time for herself she enjoys vegetable and flower gardening, reading and scrapbooking our family’s memories. (Although she’s considering going all-digital scrapbooking... (gasp!)) Sadly, last February we lost Rebecca’s Grandpa, but had a great time visiting family and remembering a great man!
2017 Events: Sledding, ice skating, family game nights, visits to see family in MN, Valleyfair, annual family hotel weekend staycation, taking in SDSU basketball and football games, Pinterest wood pallet projects, Rebecca and the Bigs took in Matilda, the Broadway Musical, we kept our eyes on multiple pairs of ducks (including Wood Ducks!) on our pond, we continue to enjoy hosting Life Groups, all three of the Bigs played in their last Piano recital in May, but then quit taking piano lessons after that L, we went for lots of walks and nature hikes, went kayaking a few times, hosted a neighborhood picnic, went to see U2 in the cities, saw Garth Brooks in Sioux Falls (I know, country music, crazy, right?), we took an Omaha Zoo family trip, just to name a few.
We would like to wish all of our friends and family a happy 2018! May God richly bless each of you, and may the gift of Christ be ever in your thoughts and hearts as you navigate the journey ahead!

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